The other day I saw someone drinking iced milk with red syrup. A rare sight indeed! Later at a Mar Vista stall we learnt that the drink is known as Bandoeng
You must have read about the politician’s car skidding in heavy rain. It’s amazing that drivers to day still do not know about the aquaplane effect, which is that at above 50 mph in heavy rain your wheels float as on water like a motor boat and you are in danger of being swept aside by a gust of wind.
A son meets a student from China studying in the UK. The chance meeting is in Boston where a mutual friend is doing IT. Her aunt is a doctor in Beijing. Yes, her aunt will arrange for a liver transplant. It is done. And the father is back, happy and recovered in Penang. A story boook come true!
Albert has returned Xinran’s marvellous interviews with people in China and told me John lliked it so much he has ordered this and her first book for himself.
We were eating the flower crab - ch’i - when I discovered I was the only one who did’nt know that mosquitoes would sting them in the eye and kill them instantly.
It’s good to learn that the famous pomelo growers of Tambun have at last received grants to their land of 99 years.
Of all the well known bloggers I find the MP Teresa Kok the most honest with her figures. While others boast of millions of readers she publishes a modest honest count of only 775. Such honesty is rare indeed